【同义词辨析】 2019-02-25 礼貌civil-polite

civil: often suggests little more than the avoidance of overt rudeness: a ~ reply that showed a lack of enthusiasm.  overt公开的不加隐藏的open and obvious,如overt hostility/discrimination公开的敌意/歧视)

polite: commonly implies polish of speech and manners with sometimes an absence of cordiality: a conversation as ~ as it was condescending.  polish磨亮优雅修养to rub something with a cloth to make it shine,比喻优雅修养=refinement,如each morning he shaved and polished his shoes他每早刮脸鞋) (cordial诚挚warm and hearty,如cordial relationship/greeting诚挚的迎接/关系,cordial还表示一种浓果汁,来自词根CORD表示heart心,如accord一致,concord和谐,discord不和)

courteous: implies more actively considerate or dignified politeness: clerks who were unfailingly ~ to customers.  considerate体贴,是指考虑他人感受和痛苦concern for the feelings or distresses of others, 如she is always considerate of other people's feelings她一直体贴他人感受)

gallant: suggests spirited and dashing behavior and ornate expressions of courtesy: a ~ suitor of the old school.  spirited有精神有热情 (dashing潇洒吸引人时髦: attractive and stylish,如a dashing young officer潇洒的年轻军官,如hopelessly enchanted by his dashing looks and deep voice被他潇洒的容貌和深沉的声音深深吸引无法自拔)        (gallant本意是勇敢的brave,如the gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again英勇的战士们为恢复和平献出了生命)   ornate华丽,装饰丰富,如本例“华丽”表达,表示殷勤

chivalrous: suggests high-minded and self-sacrificing attentions: a ~ display of duty.  (the age of chivalry骑士时代)

civil文明: 仅表示避免公然粗鲁,polite礼貌: 指言谈举止优雅修养,可能缺乏诚挚,courteous礼貌: 比polite更体贴尊重,gallant殷勤、勇敢: 表示潇洒热情殷勤有礼,chivalrous殷勤有骑士风度: 表示高尚情操奉献精神

记忆方法: 1)首字母CCPGC共产党共产<==党员有礼貌       ""本义是动词1、击鼓奏乐,奉献美玉美酒敬拜祖先,或类似的仪式。""是礼的本字,上部像架鼓,下部像一串玉,表示和乐器美玉有关。又如顶膜拜典礼礼拜婚葬礼堂 引申为2、动词尊敬、厚待,如礼遇贤下士 3、名词敬重的态度言行,如军礼礼品礼券约我以 4、表示等级社会的典章制度,行为规范,传统习惯,如礼法礼教  


        3)礼貌的意思是符合良好教养mean observant of the forms required by good breeding.CCPGC共产党共产<==有